Join Our Healing Journey
Transform your quality of life with natural wellness support.
Transform your quality of life with natural wellness support.
90 days from our wedding an accident at the beach left Jesse with a shattered C6 spinal cord injury and a diagnosis of quadriplegia complete. We did not feel this was the end, or the plan God our Father, had for us. In the last three years we have explored many natural healing support options and with His guidance are experiencing amazing results on our healing journey. Over these years we have realized it is not just Jesse that is healing, but also me and those around us, we invite you to join us! Our Heavenly Father works in the most beautiful ways, and we want to share all the amazing things He has shown us with others.
Like fingerprints, your genes are what make you, you.
We custom create supplements based on your body’s unique genetic code, making it easier for you to absorb and utilize essential nutrients.
Why is this important? Because vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients give your cells the energy they need to grow and thrive. Without the proper nutrition, it’s harder for your body to function optimally.
Easy-to-understand results, epigenetic lifestyle tips and suggested labs for health tracking, plus peer-reviewed science and live links to additional resources. Premium CODE Complex Report unlocks your supplement’s unique formulation, based on your DNA.
CODE Complex Supplement is based on your personal nutritional needs, as evidenced by the genetic analysis of your cheek swab, CODE Complex contains the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients your body requires for optimal functioning.
Structured water is water molecules that are arranged in a hexagonal pattern. It's also known as hexagonal water, magnetized water, H3O2, or coherent water. Because of the structure of the molecule it is charged and easier for your body to process and use.
By filtering out bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, chemicals like chlorine, and other contaminants, water filtration significantly reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, especially for vulnerable populations.
Also known as hydrogen-rich water, is water with added molecular hydrogen gas. Potential health benefits include:
BEMER is about changing the way we think about our health, about challenging our understanding of the human body, and about empowering us to reach optimal physical condition. Blood flow plays a critical role in our general health. BEMER stimulates healthy muscles to improve and facilitate muscle performance. This stimulation temporarily improves local blood circulation — all in just 8 minutes twice a day! For more than 20 years, the benefits of BEMER have impacted millions of people around the world. BEMER is an FDA cleared consumer medical device that is non-invasive and easy to use.
The BEMER Difference
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation. BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues while supporting the elimination of CO2. Additional benefits from regular use of BEMER may include reduced stress, improved relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of wellbeing.
Everything has a frequency, including fabric. The clothing and textiles that are in our environment or touching our body affect our well-being. In 2003, Dr. Heidi Yellen did a study on those frequencies. According to her study linen and wool had a frequency of 5000, making them healing fabrics for the body.
EMFs are called “Electromagnetic Frequencies” and are even more accurately called “Electromagnetic Radiation” (or EMRs). Modern technologies are now bombarding us with lower frequency, man-made electromagnetic radiation at huge levels that people have never experienced until the last few years. This radiation is coming from: Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Wi-Fi, “Smart Meters”, SCADA Poles, high voltage power lines (above and below ground), electrical appliances, and since 2020 a new massive addition of the low orbit 5G Satellites. The frequencies from all of this radiation range from Electricity’s 60 Hz (waves per second), to Wi-Fi's 5 Billion Hz, and 5G's up to 38 Billions Hz and more. All of these frequencies cause the same issues for us, but the higher frequencies of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cell Towers, & Satellites tend to be where most of big problems are coming from. Big problems, but easy solutions.
May our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you.
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Trauma Delta is supported by people like you. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. We are affiliates of BEMER North America, EMF Solutions, and SNiP Nutrigenomics. If you purchase through our affiliates links the products do not cost you anymore money. We earn a small commission we are able to use to support us, this website, and our ministry. We only recommend products that we believe in and use ourselves. All opinions expressed on our website or in the blog are our own. We are not medical professionals. Results are not guaranteed. We are sharing this information for informational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a medical professional before making changes to your health.