Grounding or earthing is the practice of making direct physical contact with the Earth's surface. This is usually practiced by walking barefoot in the grass or sand to reconnect your body with the natural electrical charge of our magnificent Earth. So much of what we need is provided to us from the ground, food, medicine, materials, and habitat for plants and animals. The ground even helps to regulate the weather and provides our water supplies. Think of all the ways that nature works in harmony to support the needs of each individual plant and species. We are no exception to that rule, and we are part of that symphony. We were not created to simply live on the ground but with it, connected to it.
The Earth has a negative electrical charge and when we are in contact with its surface those electrons transfer to our body and can then balance our own electrical charge by neutralizing excess positive charges in the body. The limitless supply of mobile electrons in the Earth's soil, lakes, and oceans can transfer to our body with just a touch. When we are in contact with this supply, the built-up static electricity in our body, and the overwhelming amount of environmental electrical charges we are carrying begin to disappear. As the Earth is removing the unwanted charges from the body through grounding it also begins to fill the body with new clean energy in the form of free electrons synchronizing your body with the Earth's frequency.
Your body continues to absorb electrons until it matches with the electrical potential of the Earth if you are grounded. This amount varies by person due to lifestyle and activity factors and is not able to be measured.
The Benefits of Grounding Include:
Earth is like a battery that has natural shifting frequencies and electric energy. The ground and bodies of water are full of this natural, transferable energy. In the upper atmosphere or ionosphere which sits about thirty miles to six hundred miles above sea level, air molecules split into positively and negatively charged ions by sunlight.
Negative ions hold a negative charge because of the subatomic particles called electrons. Through sunlight and rain these electrons hitch a ride to the surface of the Earth creating the negative charge in the ground and water.
In nature, all living things have a connection to the surface of the Earth or its bodies of water. This connection keeps their biological makeup charged, in rhythm, and balanced with the Earth.
The human body is electrical. The movement of ions, which are an atom or molecule that has a net electrical charge, across cell membranes create electrical pulses. This is necessary for the complex systems in our bodies to function properly, and every biological process in the body requires electrical signals. The nervous system requires electricity to send information signals, and the heart requires electrical activity to create the electrical pulses that drive the blood flow through our body giving us life. So, like the electricity in our homes that requires grounding to stabilize, the human body requires grounding too. The electric connection aspect of our well-being and health is often overlooked, probably because it seems too simple.
In the beginning, and for thousands of years to follow, humans lived in direct contact with the Earth. Barefoot is how we are born and for thousands of years this lifestyle was embraced. In time shoes became increasingly popular. They were made of natural materials that conducted the Earth's grounding energy throughout the body. Most people walked barefoot on the ground, sat on the ground, even slept on the ground keeping them grounded almost 100% of their day.
With today’s busy lifestyle, fashion, and presumed comfort we may stand all day, but never have our foot actually touch the ground. We can sit at a computer for 8 hours, but again not on the ground. We crawl into our luxurious beds at night two feet off the ground. Our homes no longer have dirt floors, most natural materials do conduct, but synthetic flooring options prevent the natural flow of electrons from reaching us. Remarkably, it is possible for the average person to go an entire day with no grounding.
For our body to remain balanced we must expel excess positive charges. To stay in tune to the Earth's natural frequency and charge we must take time to reconnect to its blessed electron charge.
It's so simple, it doesn't even sound real. PUT YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND, or other natural surfaces. 30 minutes is the minimum amount of time recommended to ground each day.
Depending on your lifestyle and where you live, sometimes it can be almost impossible to put your feet on the earth for 30 minutes a day. We all have complications like weather, or work and family obligations that can hinder our health routines. If you are not able to ground outside, that is okay, you can start grounding inside. One of the simplest ways is a grounding mat on your bed. You can charge your body while you sleep.
There are several companies manufacturing grounding and earthing products. We decided to go with because of their pioneering in the industry, research, quality, return policy, and warranty. There is a link below to their eye-opening documentary that convinced us to get on board. With Jesse's injury it is difficult to get his feet on the ground right now. So, we purchased an Earthing Elite Mattress Cover and pillowcases. The company has frequent promotions, and we were able to score a deal! We immediately felt the difference in our bed. It welcomes you to relax and recharge. Over the last year we have noticed the difference it makes in multiple ways and levels as time goes on. The most noticeable for us has been our quality of sleep and reduced inflammation. We recommend it to everyone for well-being, but especially for healing. Connected to the earth is how our Creator and loving heavenly Father designed us to live and you can feel it.
During the first few days or weeks you may experience temporary detox symptoms.
These symptoms may occur as the body adjusts to the influx of electrons from the Earth. The process of grounding can stimulate the body's natural detoxification mechanisms, leading to the release of toxins and waste products.
This is a good thing and noticeably short. We experienced slight headaches on and off for about three days and even unplugged the mat one night for a break. But in the morning, we could both feel that we had not received its healing goodness overnight and plugged it right back in.