Hexagonal water, magnetized water, gel water, structured water, cluster water, H3O2 or H₃O₂ refers to water with a structure that has been formed into a hexagonal cluster.
In nature water is naturally structured by its journey over rocks and in the sunlight. When it comes out of a faucet it has no structure.
Water can be structured in several ways, but our favorite to recommend is sunlight. All you need is a glass bottle and good quality water. We suggest leaving it out for 12-24 hours depending on sun exposure.
Your body is 60-70% water. Every single cell contains water, and the amount of energy required to make the water you are drinking usable comes at a cost to other bodily functions. By providing the body with a clean, structured water source that is bioavailable, your body is able to use the water easier and spend that energy in other areas.
Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author, claimed that the molecular structure of water could be influenced by human emotions. He conducted experiments to expose the water to different emotional input such as music, positive and negative thoughts, and words. Emoto would then freeze the water and examine the ice crystals under a microscope.
Emoto found that when the water was exposed to positive words and emotions it formed symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing ice crystals, but water that was exposed to negative words and emotions formed asymmetrical unappealing structures.
In his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, Emoto explores positive and negative influences, the impact of words, the effects of music, and environmental factors on water.
His study has been criticized in the scientific community, but his findings are undeniable to those who believe in a divine Creator.
Hydrogen water is regular water (H₂O) infused with additional hydrogen molecules (H₂). While it may seem simple, adding these tiny atoms of hydrogen supports general wellness.
Water already contains hydrogen, but hydrogen water can be made by releasing small bubbles of pure hydrogen into drinking quality water. Studies indicate that hydrogen, as the smallest and lightest molecule, can penetrate cells and may support wellness in ways regular water does not. One advantage of its small molecular size is that this allows it to readily cross the barrier and reach the brain tissue, allowing it to potentially exert beneficial effects within the central nervous system, unlike larger molecules that are typically blocked. Studies suggest that hydrogen water may have neuroprotective effects by reducing oxidative stress in the brain due to its ability to cross the barrier. In addition, its ability to diffuse cell membranes also makes it a powerful antioxidant, with a host of potential benefits. Including:
This is another valuable piece of the overall health recipe for achieving a better quality of life. For us the benefits have been most noticeable in muscle recovery, inflammation, and microbiome balance.
Echo Hydrogen Water offers the wellness benefits associated with antioxidants, including support for natural energy, mental clarity, and overall wellness. There are over 1250 studies exploring the potential wellness benefits of hydrogen-enriched water.
Targets chlorine, fluoride, lead, and hundreds of other dangers found in regular tap water.
Provides Third Party Testing Reports
We use the under sink filtration system and the inline fridge filter. There are three of us in the home and we have to change the filters about once a year with city water. We love the clean taste!
This filtration system is super low maintenance and drastically changed the shower experience for us. No longer does the bathroom smell like chlorine, and neither do our clothes! The smaller filter should be checked every 3-6 months depending on water quality, and the larger filter once a year for us.
ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops is America’s best-selling trace mineral supplement and contains the most powerful, all-natural, pH-balancing trace minerals in the world. Harvested from the waters of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, it contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring ionic trace minerals.
• Supports healthy bones, joints, and teeth, promotes efficient hydration and restores electrolytes
• Supports energy and muscles, offers metabolic and mood support
As our focus moved from the Mayday of the trauma experience, we were able to start looking at how to best support Jesse's body during the healing process, water very quickly became a priority. We did not add everything at once. We did not even know about all of this in the beginning. We started with the house filter. Then our attention shifted to the drinking water. We had gone to such lengths to remove the harsh chemicals from the shower and sinks but were still drinking store bought water in plastic. Hydrogen water and the trace minerals were the last things we added. In our home it has been the perfect combination.
We learned about structured water right after the installation of our under-sink filter unit and began structuring our water right away. It made perfect sense to us, water bubbling up from the Earth or flowing down a mountain stream is structured. God the Father intended for us to drink structured water. Every right turn water takes de-structures the molecules. Imagine how many turns the average water makes from the origin to your tap.
To keep it simple I bought a couple of one gallon glass pitchers with stainless steel spouts to keep on the counter. We have so much on our plate that we shared it with the intention of trying to drink two glasses a day. We are avid water drinkers so we thought this would be plenty. But structured water is different, it is thicker, and we could feel the electric charge with the first glass. The other water just was not satisfying anymore. To this day I will bring water with us when we are on the road, because the bought water is so thin.
From the day Jesse started drinking structured water his bladder changed. It was no longer as spastic and his constant battle with UTI's became almost non-existent. This was huge for us as UTI's are a constant problem for those who have a spinal cord injury and the number two cause of death. This made me really pay attention to my own bladder, and I noticed comparable results to what we were seeing in his. I did not have the chronic urge to use the bathroom for just a little bit. The water was not fighting our bodies, and we were able to process it easier.
Someone near and dear to us was purchasing a hydrogen water system for their home and opened our eyes to all the benefits. We were not able to buy a home system but soon learned of the Echo GO+ bottle. There are a lot of hydrogen bottles on the market but most of them have no accountability or warranty. Echo water has a great warranty and a full range of products. This gave us confidence that the bottle we were purchasing would perform as promised. It has! We have been sharing a bottle for over a year and had absolutely no issues with its performance. We charge the bottle 2-3 times a week and each drink 2-3 bottles a day. Usually, one in the morning and one about an hour after dinner. Unfortunately Echo no longer makes the bottle we have, but they have upgraded to the Echo Flask. I have not seen it or tried it but feel confident it will provide the same quality and longevity we are experiencing.
The #1 benefit of drinking hydrogen water for us was reduced inflammation, which was noticeable in the first week. I believe we have experienced multiple benefits, but the most prominent and beneficial for us was when the pain started to go away. For years I have gone to bed with neck and shoulder pain. I would lay on a heating pad for 15-20 before falling asleep to ease the pain. I have not even turned on my heating pad in a year. This is a result of the combined efforts of the various health therapies we are sharing on Trauma Delta, but hydrogen water made a significant impact on my body, and it only continues to get better. Jesse obviously had severe neck and shoulder pain as well stemming from his injury, recovery, and soreness from therapy to rebuild all he had lost. It did not make it all just stop, but it helped and was a noticeable help. It took the pain to a level that was much more tolerable and over weeks and months he now has extraordinarily little pain. The addition of grounding was the last step in our inflammation removal. It is absolutely beautiful how the human body is designed, and that it is capable of overcoming and healing with the proper support.
The whole house filter changed the shower experience. The air no longer smelled like chlorine. I no longer smelled like chlorine, and my skin, which is extremely sensitive, was no longer bright red coming out of the shower. My sinuses even started to improve. My whole family has allergies, so anything that helps the sinuses is a huge blessing. It was so good to our hearts to know we were no longer showering Jesse in a chemical bath. His body is doing so much we wanted to take away as many negative factors as possible so it could focus on healing. Hair and skin are much happier for the whole house and all the sinks have the same feeling. When you are washing veggies or your face it no longer feels like a chemical bath.
As we began to explore drinking water options, and the chemicals and toxins in our municipal water the options for filtration became a little daunting. High maintenance is not my thing right now, and we did not have a lot of money to invest, or room under the sink. It also needed to be something I could install myself. The RO system was just too much everything and a pitcher wasn't enough water. Oh, sweet hydration blessings when we were led to the Clearly Filtered under sink system. It filtered everything we were worried about, including fluoride. It was a little pricey, but the first set of filters lasted over a year, and we go through some filtered water! I was able to install it myself in about 20 minutes, well 30 but that includes putting everything back under the sink. The filtered water is so clean and yummy that we even fill up jugs and structure it for family when visiting. Once it is structured it literally tastes like water from a mountain stream.