Linen is a Fabric that can accelerate and rejuvenate the body.
The human body is electrical. Like a battery - objects close or in contact to it can either charge or deplete that battery.
A healthy Human body has an average frequency of 70-100. Those suffering from a chronic illness average less than 50. While those diagnosed with an incurable condition, such as cancer 15.
* Wool and linen should never be worn together as they have the same frequency, but opposite polarity.
Places to Look For Linen
Now that we have an overview let's go back to the beginning. Frequency literally means the number of times something happens over a period of time. In nature, frequency can refer to the rate at which an object vibrates, the rate at which a gene variant occurs in a population, or the rate at which sound waves travel. Our world is made of atoms that vibrate and contain energy. Energy is the capacity to do work, or the ability to cause something to move. It can take many forms, including mechanical, electrical, thermal, radiant, chemical, sound, and nuclear energy. Frequency and energy are directly proportional so as the frequency increases, so does the energy. Every material or form of matter has a distinct vibrational energy, which is its frequency. So, when we refer to the frequency of fabric we are talking about the molecular structure and the energy that is contained within it.
In 2003, Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen, was intrigued by the curious Torah command in Deuteronomy 22:11, to not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. This same passage led me to this blessed journey of knowledge, and I will forever be grateful to God the Father, Dr. Yellen, and her work for sharing this naturally and beautifully healing information with us.
In the experiment, Mrs. I Farr determined the frequency using a digital instrument designed by Bob Graham, called an Ag-Environ machine. The measurements were conducted in angstroms (m). The machine was originally created to analyze the signature frequencies of agricultural commodities to aid in prime harvest growth, which is the final stage of a crop's development, where the plant reaches full maturity and is ready to be harvested. He found he was also able to use the machine to determine the signature frequencies of illnesses, and began using it to help people heal. Through this study they were able to ascertain that a healthy human body has a frequency of 100m, but an individual with disease was 15m.
So, let's walk back through the frequencies of fabric.
Polyester, nylon, bamboo, and spandex all have a frequency of 0. Because they have no energy or such a low amount as not to be measured, they are not able to charge our bodies but instead drain energy from us. These fabrics, especially polyester, shed micro plastics that can enter the human body through inhalation or ingestion. Research suggests that microplastics can cause cellular damage and inflammation. Also, polyester can potentially disrupt hormones because it often contains chemicals that interfere with the body's endocrine system. These chemicals are called endocrine disruptors (EDCs), and may cause:
Additionally, there are concerns about skin sensitivity and the possibility of polyester trapping moisture against the skin, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.
Silk had a frequency of 10m, but there was speculation that modern manufacturing methods may have contributed to the low frequency. Naturally produced silk, or raw silk without chemicals and dyes may have a much higher frequency.
Rayon, or viscose has a frequency of 15m. It is a semi-natural fiber created by breaking down natural fibers with chemicals. The chemicals used in multiple stages of production had to destroy the natural energy in the raw products, creating a low rating.
Regular dyed and treated cotton has a frequency of 40m. Which is better than synthetic and other more chemically treated fabrics in their manufacturing processes but is still less than a healthy human body frequency. Because cotton is exempt from most of the regulations that govern food, the consumer does not know how many times it has been sprayed with pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides before being harvested. All of these have residues and without proper cleaning can be absorbed through your skin. If purchasing cotton, even 100% cotton garments, a wonderful way to remove that residue is to off gas your clothes before wearing them. By placing them outside, preferably in direct sunlight for a day allows the volatile organic compounds or VOCs to dissipate naturally.
Organic Cotton has a frequency of 100m, which depends on the health of the human body can be a neutral or healing fabric. Because of the process of organic farming, the cotton has not been sprayed with synthetic pesticides, only natural options that may still leave some residue but with a few hours of off gassing is a much better choice than traditional cotton garments. There has not been a test for Hemp, but most specialists agree it would be in the same range as organic cotton.
Linen and wool evaluated at the beautiful, healing frequency of 5000m. The is over 4900m higher than a human body in perfect health. Which means that the fabric would always be charging the body instead of depleting it. However, through the study the wisdom from the curious Torah passage, “You shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together” (Deuteronomy 22:11 NASB), which led to the whole experiment was revealed. The EMF flow of wool is from left to right. While the EMF field of linen is from right to left. So, when the fabrics are woven together, or worn together, they cancel each other out and harm the body in the energy clash.
When we understand the vibrational qualities of the world around us it is easier to assume that these vibrations, or frequencies, have positive and negative effects on our health. So, the higher frequencies of linen and wool bring energy to the human body and support the body's natural healing process.
Group linen into dark and light colors and avoid washing with other fabrics as their fibers may transfer into the linen. Hand or machine wash linen on the gentle cycle in cold or warm water. Avoid overstuffing the washer to prevent unnecessary wrinkles.
Use mild, or eco-friendly detergents to avoid damaging the fibers. Never use bleach or other harsh chemicals as this may discolor or harm the fibers.
Linen loves to air dry in the sun, but if that is not an option you can tumble dry on low. Again, always check the care tag for special instructions for garments that prefer to be laid flat while drying.
Avoid using wool dryer balls as the wool fibers will affect the healing benefits of your linen.
We always dry our linen on low but then remove from the dryer while it is still quite damp. Button up shirts we hang and smooth out any wrinkles, shorts, and pants we lay over clothes drying rack, and t-shirts we lay flat to finish drying. As you hang and lay the items, train them to how you want them to appear when they dry. We have found that this prevents most of our ironing and gives the linen a stiffer texture we have grown to love. The garments will tighten with washing but relax and reshape to your body as you wear them.
As linen dries it retains a soft wavy texture. It is not naturally flat and lifeless like most cotton and other synthetic fibers. We mostly embrace the texture and enjoy the relaxed look. However, when you have a new piece to train or need a more polished appearance a steamer will create a less textured look, or a hot steamy iron will create a crisp linen look.
If the item is still moist the ironing can be crisper and faster. If the item is fully dry you can mist it with a water bottle to help the steaming effect.
The little spray bottle is also your best friend if you are habitual re-wearer like we are. Overshirts or shorts that aren't dirty enough to wash can just be lightly misted and the wrinkles fall out!
Act fast to remove stains as quickly as possible. Gently blot or rub the stain with a damp cloth and mild detergent. For heavier stains try a mixture of detergent and distilled white vinegar or Dawn dish soap. Do not use bleach as it breaks down the fibers and will shorten the life of your linen.
From the moment we started wearing linen we could feel a difference. The most prominent change for Jesse has been accelerated healing. He also loves the breathability and moisture wicking properties in warm weather. Now I wonder how we ever worked and played in cotton and polyester?!? From the first day we dressed him in just linen shorts we could tell things were changing and after a few weeks he moved his toe and started getting more tingling in his legs and feet. The progress has not slowed down in the last few months. His body is getting more support, and we can see the changes happening weekly. I am a very electrically sensitive person and 15 minutes after I put on my first pair of 100% linen pants my feet were tingling too! I could feel the circulation all the way to my feet, and I am from a cold footed family. I had chronic shoulder pain for years, multiple things we are doing helped but did not stop it. Then about a month into linen life I noticed that when I wore only linen at night and slept in linen it did not hurt. The next thing I noticed was my mood shift, I am a much calmer person in linen all the way to my gut and microbiome. All the benefits of wearing linen go straight to my head. Most of our wardrobe we have picked up at thrift stores. Not all of the clothes actually fit us, but they fit enough to get us in linen. Over time we can fine tune and get the correct sizes and preferred colors. ThredUp is a simple and cost-effective way for women and kids to get consignment pieces if you do not have time to thrift. Seriously, all you need is one or two outfits to wear around the house at night and on weekends. Try wearing linen and feel how linen can help you!
100% Linen sheets are more expensive than most traditional sheets. However, they are worth it and by far the most amazing sheets you will ever sleep on. If properly cared for linen sheets can last for years! The texture at first reminded us of nice burlap compared to the performance cotton we were accustomed to, but after just a couple of nights we preferred the feel and breathability of the linen, we also realized we were sleeping even better. For a mountain top bedtime recharge experience add a grounding mat under the bottom linen sheet.
We purchased our sheets at Quince, but family & friends have been finding great options at Marshalls, Tuesday Morning, and Amazon. Everyone has noticed their sleep has improved.
Linen blankets, towels, curtains, pillow covers, all linen things are good, and good for you! It can be expensive and not high on the list of necessities but keep your eyes open at the discount stores and online. We are very slowly changing over. Each new addition makes the house feel warmer, calmer, more peaceful. At the very least when you replace, and upgrade items, consider what they are constructed of. Everything in our environment affects our well-being.