Healthy BMI
Heart Health
Cognitive and Brain Function
Healthy Immune Response
Healthy Inflammatory Response
Order your kit, delivered directly to you. Swab to collect a sample of cells from inside-surface of your cheeks. Return to lab in pre-paid mailer.
In approximately 21 business days, your DNA reports will be delivered electronically, revealing your unique CODE Complex™ formula and informing you on which nutrients your body needs and why.
Order your DNA-personalized CODE Complex™ supplement and support your body where it says it needs it.
Results take approximately 21 days from the date your DNA sample arrives at the lab.
Your customized supplement will be delivered within 7-10 days after ordering.
We were sent a podcast of Gary Brecka explaining the importance of genetic testing, proper nutrition, and supplements. We went down the rabbit hole and thanks to an amazing family member and our heavenly Father, we were led to SNiP. Their testing is half the cost of other options, and instead of 5 reports, SNiP provides 11 detailed reports, with all the homework done for you. Suggestions for nutrition, blood tests, even specific exercises. While other supplements are mass produced for anyone with any variant, SNiP’s CODE Complex is formulated specifically for each individual and their genetic nutritional needs. We have seen multiple reports and supplement facts sheets, and they are all different. SNiP Nutrigenomics is a small company based in the USA with a product made in the USA. The founder and CEO, Kim Ressler, participates in every aspect of the company. She wants this elevated level of health supplement to be available to everyone!
This product can help everyone. Seriously, when you are able at least get the DNA Test and see what genetic issues are affecting your quality of life. Try CODE Complex for 90 days. You will not regret it.
We both started taking our supplements, 3 capsules in the morning and 3 at night to work into the full dose and allow our bodies time to adjust. We continued adding one capsule every few days until we reached 5 in the morning and 5 at night. We take our supplements with our breakfast and evening meal. From day one, we could both feel the increase in energy. As the supplement dosage increased so did the energy. Jesse was able to go to 10 capsules in just a couple of weeks. I was much slower with my 10th pill. It was a nighttime dose, and for a few weeks 4 was everything my body needed at that time of day. However, in time I could feel the lag and was ready to add the 10th capsule and have stayed at 5 in the morning and 5 at night since then.
We started taking CODE Complex about six months ago. Within two weeks of Jesse starting Code Complex, you could see a difference in his skin. The circles under his eyes were fading and small skin abrasions that normally take months to heal were starting to close. a pressure ulcer that had been stagnant for over a year began to change. His recovery and endurance levelled up. We are doing multiple things to promote the natural healing our bodies are capable of and designed for, and each step has its benefits. But it was like this was his missing piece. It made all the other pieces finally fall into place and his trauma healing has accelerated.
My initial progress was not as monumental as Jesse. However, over the first weeks I could undeniably notice the difference in my energy and sleep requirements. I was sleeping the same amount, but waking up rested with more energy that lasted the entire day. We have long days that stretch late into the night with Jesse's care right now, and for me to be able to keep going until 1 or 2 in the morning and must make myself go to bed was a refreshing change. But the energy did not keep me from sleeping, I could unwind and fall asleep in under thirty minutes. Over the last few months, I have noticed positive changes in my nails, skin, and mood, and I know that we have both gone through multiple detox cycles. I do feel that my brain fog has cleared, and both of us are losing weight with extraordinarily little effort, not too much just the extra fluff is falling off. I am excited to see what happens in the next few months!